In a hot country, there was a very marshy lake. A turtle lived in this lake. A pair of flamingos kept the turtle company. However, the turtle talked a lot. Although the flamingos were not bothered by it, they tried to tell the turtle that talking too much wasn’t a good thing.
But the turtle didn’t really listen to his friends’ advice and kept talking non-stop. When summer came, the lake’s waters started to recede. Drought had begun to take its toll. In this situation, the turtle’s home gradually began to disappear. The flamingos, saddened by this, immediately came up with a solution. They searched and found a lake not too far away, with plenty of water.
Although the new lake was not too far, it was very difficult for the turtle to get there. Since turtles walk slowly, it wouldn’t be able to make it there before giving up. So, the flamingos found a way to help the turtle. The turtle would bite a stick, and the flamingos would hold the ends of the stick and carry the turtle easily. However, for this to work, the turtle had to keep its mouth shut.
The flamingos explained this method to the turtle, and the turtle agreed. They started flying as instructed. After a while, they saw a crowd below. Unable to resist its curiosity, the turtle opened its mouth to ask the flamingos what was going on and fell down.
Unfortunately, the turtle’s mouth got injured, so the flamingos couldn’t carry it anymore. It had to walk the rest of the way. The turtle had learned its lesson. It shouldn’t talk about things that didn’t concern it.